Ranking: Service-friendly city

  • 4 years ago

In a ranking of one hundred of Germany's largest cities in terms of population, the Central Association of German House, Apartment and Property Owners (Haus & Grund) investigated the topic of "service-friendly cities" in the area of digitization and digital service. In cooperation with the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Cologne Institute for the German Economy), the cities' Internet presences were evaluated. The winner of the overall ranking is Berlin with 71.6 out of a possible 100 points.

For the evaluation, the areas of housing, construction, mobility, family and leisure, responsiveness, and citizen and business services and their service friendliness were examined. In the "Housing" sub-index, the Bavarian city of Regensburg leads with 65.6 points, closely followed by Bonn with 64.7 points. Wolfsburg brings up the rear with 14.9 points.

In the "Building" sub-index, Augsburg is the winner. With 70.8 points, a Bavarian city is also at the top of the table in this sub-index, followed by Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's state capital Schwerin with 69.1 points. The city of Gera brings up the rear with 13.8 points. In addition to an overall evaluation of the one hundred cities, the ranking also includes a comparison of cities with over and under 150,000 inhabitants. Overall, the data collection and analysis makes it clear that the web presences of digital information and administrative services in the cities and municipalities surveyed are very differently equipped. There are enormous differences in the provision of information and the digital handling of processes.

Source: House and reason
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