Tip: What to look for when buying a condominium

  • 4 years ago

Whether it's a new apartment in a city neighborhood or a refurbished old building, a modernized loft in a commercial area or a modern penthouse, investing in a condominium is very popular these days. Not only because of the great demand for new living space, but primarily for financial reasons, more and more people are deciding to buy property. Barrier-free senior apartments or shared apartments with younger residents are also becoming more and more interesting for seniors-to-be, the so-called "silver agers".

If the location of the property is right, investing in a condominium is usually a good investment with high potential returns and a secure retirement provision. According to the Association of Private Builders (VPB), the location is one of the most important features when choosing a new property anyway. Prospective buyers should therefore consider their current wishes and needs as well as how they would like to live in a few years. It is also important to analyze how the community in which the property is located will change in the coming years. Will housing in the area continue to be in demand in the future, or will people tend to move away and will there be a lot of detached housing?

On the VPB website, prospective buyers can find a lot of important information and tips on what to look out for when searching for real estate and buying a condominium. In addition to a checklist, the VPB refers to further advisors and guides on the subject of condominiums. For example, future property owners will find information on building in a building association and on their new role as owners and members of a homeowners' association. Or they can find out what to look out for when building with a developer and what to do if the developer is threatened with insolvency during the construction project.

Source: VPB
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