May 2021

Judgment: No emergency right of way for access to the property with passenger car

The owners of a house in a vacation home development file a lawsuit against their neighbor and demand the granting of a right of way and thus permission to use the access road to their property with their car (AZ V ZR 268/19). The access road is a road that runs along the neighboring property. The concept of the housing estate provides that the...

Tips: Save energy properly with the dishwasher

Anyone who operates their dishwasher with hot water can also save energy. Stiftung Warentest has compiled a list of what to look out for on its website. In principle, it makes sense to install the dishwasher directly on the hot water supply. This is because tap water is usually only 10 to 15 degrees warm; when washing in the dishwasher, the water is heated to 50 to 55...

Study: Proportion of subsidized rental apartments too low

The real estate industry analysis company bulwiengesa has conducted an analysis of developments in social housing in 26 German cities on behalf of the Wertgrund service and investment group. Overall, the developments in the area of subsidized rental housing stock are sobering: Between 2011 and 2019, the share of social housing on the...

Plaster facade: synthetic resin or mineral plaster

When it comes to the exterior facade of a house, a plastered exterior wall is one of the most common facade constructions in Germany. It does not matter whether the wall is made of stone or wood. Plaster is a mixture of various solids such as sand, marble gravel or plastic particles. The mixture of solids is combined by binders...

Reduce wastewater costs with a garden water meter

Homeowners with a large property can save money in the long run by installing a garden water meter. This is because the charges for water consumption are made up of two cost centers. On the one hand, fees must be paid to the water supplier who provides the fresh water from the public network. On the other hand, wastewater fees have to be paid. But these...

WEGesetz: Repairs to windows require the consent of the WEG

The consumer protection association for apartment and home owners, advisory boards and WEGs (WiE) advises apartment owners to check their windows in the spring or summer. If they are damaged, there is still enough time to repair the damage or replace the windows. But caution is advised: According to Section 5 (2) of the new Condominium Act, exterior windows are part of the...

Furnishing tips for small bedrooms

Those who have little space in their bedroom need a sophisticated concept of how to arrange the bed and bedroom furniture in the room to create a harmonious overall look while generating sufficient room for movement. To make even a bedroom with a small floor plan look spacious, residents should first minimize the number of furnishings....

Study: Sustainability certificate as a value driver?

With the study "Sustainability certificate as a value driver? - Empirical survey and scenarios on the influence of value in office buildings", the real estate service provider JLL deals with the topic of sustainable construction in office and administrative buildings. This is because real estate and its construction methods play an important role on the path to climate neutrality. Above all, office and administrative buildings are in the...

Regulations & tips: Preventive fire protection

Anyone who owns a house must ensure that the property is protected against fire. The topic of fire protection is regulated in the building codes of the federal states. For example, preventive fire protection includes ensuring that there are sufficient escape routes for the occupants should a fire occur. It is also a requirement that there be access routes for rescue vehicles. Already...

Power saving tips in the home office

People who work from home consume more electricity and energy in the household. In order to keep electricity consumption and costs as low as possible, the consumer center's energy advice service has compiled helpful tips. In particular, the use of technical devices such as computers, tablets and printers are among the biggest consumers of electricity. Thus, if possible, it is better to use a...

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