Study: Energy efficiency in retail

  • 2 years ago

Landlords of retail properties are only hesitantly investing in energy measures. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the study "Energy efficiency measures for tenants in the retail sector", published by adelphi and the retail sector's climate protection campaign. The reason for this is a so-called tenant-landlord dilemma. This describes the fact that the landlords responsible for implementing the measures on the building do not want to invest in them. One reason for this is that they do not benefit directly from falling energy costs.

However, the study also shows that landlords would invest more in energy efficiency measures if appropriate incentives were created. According to adelphi and the trade climate protection campaign, these incentives include adapted subsidy programs with higher tax rates as well as tax benefits. However, the feasibility of various energy efficiency measures proposed to the respondents already seems difficult: "We found that only a few of the concepts examined were supported by all the actors surveyed. It became clear that the interest in building-related energy efficiency measures is greater on the part of landlords than on the part of renting retailers," says Jasmin Paulus, manager at adelphi.

Sie und die anderen Autorinnen und Autoren nennen in der Studie auch einige Anreize für die Vermieter, darunter sogenannte Grüne Mietverträge. Dabei handelt es sich um Mietverträge, die Mieter zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit bei der Objektnutzung und Vermieter zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit bei der Objektbewirtschaftung anhalten sollen. Die vollständige Studie steht unter zum Download bereit.

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