September 2022

Kitchen: elements from glass

Tips on how glass can be used in kitchens are provided by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche (AMK). For example, it can be used as an illuminated niche back wall, as a kitchen countertop or as a room divider between the cooking and living areas. According to AMK, a niche back wall can be individually designed, for example, in your favorite color, in your own desired decor or with a...

Analysis: Empirica Regio launches real estate price index

Under the title "The pig cycle is running out of food" Empirica Regio has released the real estate price index 2/2022. This shows that rents for condominiums have increased by 2.0 percent compared to the last quarter. Thus, for the first time in a long time, rents for condominiums have increased more than the purchase prices for them (1.1 percent compared to the last...

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