Energy: Hydraulic balancing of the heating system is mandatory

  • 1 year ago

Owners of buildings with a central gas heating system and six or more residential units must have the heating system hydraulically balanced in the coming years. Owners of ten residential units and more have until September 30, 2023, to do this, while owners of six to nine residential units have until September 15, 2024, according to the "Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply through Measures Effective in the Medium Term" (EnSimiMaV) issued by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

In this context, the association "Wohnen im Eigentum" (WiE) points out several aspects. First of all, it must be checked, for example, whether the radiators are individual property, which is often the case, or common property. According to WiE, however, condominium owners' associations (WEG) should have hydraulic balancing carried out jointly even if the radiators are in the special property. This will probably be cheaper than having the hydraulic balancing carried out alone. According to WiE, the owners' meeting must first decide on the hydraulic balancing and then three comparative offers should be obtained.

The WiE criticizes the short time span, which is available to the owners for the conversion of the hydraulic alignment: "System-conditioned Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaften often cannot act so fast. The regulation becomes in this way for WEGs the paper tiger , so WiE right adviser Michael Nack. Further information to the topic receives prospective customers under The EnSimiMaV is available in full at

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