Verdict: Container parks must be cleared

  • 1 year ago

In Berlin, land may not be used as so-called container parks in which tenants live in caravans, for example. This has now been decided by the Berlin Administrative Court (VG 13 L 325/22 et al.). In one of the cases at hand, an operator had set up and rented out containers on a 4,000-square-meter plot in Treptow-Köpenick without permission. The rental costs were partially paid by the job center.

The building supervisory authority of the district office prohibited the use for residential purposes and instructed the operator to terminate the existing tenancies and vacate the property. The operator filed an application for urgent legal protection against this. However, it was unsuccessful. The administrative court confirmed the legality of the action taken by the district authority's building inspectorate.

This is because the container park was erected by the operator without a building permit and thus illegally. Accesses, driveways and escape routes also do not meet the requirements of the building code, according to the administrative court. The period of six months granted for the terminations was also reasonable, according to the administrative court. The decision can still be appealed to the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg. The Administrative Court also issued similar rulings for two other Berlin properties.

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