March 2024

Garden furniture: these are the trends

Whether outdoor chairs with sophisticated wickerwork, rustproof outdoor chairs made of aliminium or outdoor chairs in wicker form - according to the portal "", different variants are in vogue for the 2024 season.In addition to outdoor chairs, outdoor sofas, lounge chairs with thick cushions and lounge furniture with teak panels are also in vogue and can be used for cozy hours on the balcony.

EU Buildings Directive: GdW calls for socially responsible implementation

The new study "Added cost efficiency of alternative Zero Emission Building (ZEB) definitions" by Prof. Dr. Nikolas Müller from EBS University in Oestrich-Winkel shows, according to the German Housing Industry Association GdW, that in order to achieve the climate targets in the residential building sector, "it is important that measures with the best cost-benefit ratio are made possible across the board...

Recycling: Building with waste wood

The Technical University of Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) is researching innovative ways to reuse waste wood in the construction industry. The aim of this research is to reduce wood consumption and make wooden components recyclable. The "Recycling for Future" and "Recycling for Reuse" projects aim to show how wood can be efficiently kept in the material cycle. Every year in...

Energy providers: Consumer advice center warns of misleading advertising letters

The Federal Association of Consumer Organizations warns against misleading advertising letters from Nowenergy, Primastrom and Voxenergie. These letters suggest a price reduction, but lead to new contracts with significantly higher prices when signed. Customers who sign a new contract in this way would also lose the opportunity to appeal against invalid price increases by the...

Kitchens: These are the trends in sinks

The latest developments in kitchen sinks and taps are setting new standards in design, functionality and sustainability. Brand manufacturers now offer single bowl sinks in various colors, complemented by multifunctional faucets. These taps not only supply cold and hot water, but also filtered, chilled and even boiling hot water. In addition, the new...

Shared rooms: Rents have risen in university cities

Rents for unfurnished rooms in shared flats (WG) in German university cities are reaching new heights. On average, students had to pay 485 euros per month for these. The rent in university cities in the summer semester of 2024 is therefore 26 percent higher than the price level in the summer semester of 2019, which corresponds to an annual increase of 4.7 percent. Particularly striking is...

Award: Pritzker Prize goes to Riken Yamamoto

Riken Yamamoto, an architect from Yokohama, Japan, is the winner of the Pritzker Prize 2024. The Pritzker Prize is a globally renowned award in the field of architecture. Riken Yamamoto promotes a harmonious society through his designs. He challenges conventional views of freedom and privacy and emphasizes the importance of community and...

Ruling: Continuation of the tenancy may be necessary

Under certain circumstances, tenants can enforce the continuation of their tenancy. This is the result of a not yet legally binding ruling by the Berlin II Regional Court (case no. 67 S 264/22). Tenants were assured that they could remain in their Berlin apartment for a further two years, despite the landlord's effective notice of termination for personal use, and the court based its decision on the...

Energy market: Questions in energy monitoring deleted

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has removed around a third of the 550 questions previously included in its energy monitoring. One of the reasons for this is a "reduction in bureaucracy". There are deletions in each of the ten questionnaires. The "Energy and Construction" team of the German Federation of Consumer Advice Centres and Consumer Associations (vzbv) criticizes this development because it...

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