October 2024

Smart home: technology for technology enthusiasts

Smart home technologies have become firmly established in German households: 75% of those surveyed in a study conducted by a mail order company for electronics stated that they already use smart products. Intelligent entertainment systems and voice assistants are particularly popular. Enthusiasm for technology is a significant reason for purchasing smart home technologies. Many...

E-charging station: plan for it when building the house

Builders can save significantly when building a house - compared to retrofitting later - if they plan for an electric car charging station straight away. The initial installation during construction is much cheaper, as any necessary adjustments to the power grid and structural measures can be integrated directly. The portal "finanzen.net" points this out. The installation costs for a charging station...

Energy costs: Saving by living together

With rising electricity prices, living together in an apartment is an effective way to reduce energy costs. Whether with a partner, a colleague or a friend, sharing a household can bring savings on many cost items, including electricity consumption. Compared to single-person households in particular, a two-person household can save an average of...

Buying real estate: make a conscious decision

When buying a house that has known defects, no warranty rights can be asserted. A man who bought a house with obvious moisture damage and a necessary pump installation in the basement discovered further significant damage to the roof after the purchase. Despite the exclusion of liability for material defects in the purchase contract, he demanded compensation as he had fraudulently...

CO2 pricing: study reveals lack of information

Only a quarter of people find the current CO2 pricing in the transport and heating sector acceptable. In addition, around three quarters of respondents feel poorly informed or not informed at all about CO2 pricing. This is the result of a study by the Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research (IMK) of the Hans Böckler Foundation. The authors of the study therefore believe that better information...

Responsibilities: Building owners should ensure clear relationships

Building owners should ensure the supply of electricity and water before starting construction work on their property. If there are no connections on the property itself, hydrants and electricity boxes in the vicinity can normally be used for this purpose. However, if builders wish to do so, they must obtain permits from the local authority and the local utility company.

CO2 costs: what landlords and tenants need to consider

Since 2023, it has been mandatory for landlords to contribute to the CO2 costs of heating and hot water for their rented properties. This legal innovation aims to encourage owners to invest in energy-saving measures. The Carbon Dioxide Cost Allocation Act (CO2KostAufG) takes into account the fact that the characteristics of the heating systems and the...

Apartments in old buildings: Clarification of the concept of defect by BGH

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) recently clarified the concept of defects when purchasing apartments in old buildings in a decision (V ZR 79/23). It stated that apartments must be dry and habitable in order to be considered free of defects. This even applies to basement apartments in old buildings near a river. In the present case, basement apartments were sold that had damp exterior walls...

Rainwater harvesting: What you need to consider

Rainwater harvesting can help save drinking water as it can be used for watering gardens, flushing toilets or washing clothes. This reduces dependence on municipal water supply systems and promotes a more sustainable use of water resources. Households and municipalities that use rainwater therefore not only benefit from...

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