Accessibility: how to reduce barriers

For people with limited mobility or for senior citizens, overcoming barriers such as stairs or thresholds and steps is often a major hurdle. However, adapting living space to meet these needs is becoming increasingly important. In the private sector, stair lifts can be installed or ramps created in places with height differences. Especially...

Housing market: the development of rental prices

Rents are rising in Germany. In major German cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, rents have risen by an average of 6.3% compared to the previous year (H2 2023 to H2 2024). However, they are now rising more slowly. From the second half of 2022 (H2 2022) to the second half of 2023 (H2 2023), rents in the major cities were still up by an average of 8.2%...

Facades: Three principles of design

Certain rules should be observed when designing the façade. Firstly, it is important to match the color scheme of the façade to the surrounding buildings in order to create a visual unity. Secondly, owners should bear in mind that colors can have a different effect on large surfaces than expected, which is why a test coat is recommended. Thirdly, the design options vary depending on the...

Energy efficiency: 2014 and 2024 in comparison

Considerable progress has been made with regard to the energy efficiency of residential properties in Germany since 2014. In the eastern federal states in particular, extensive refurbishment measures since reunification have significantly increased energy efficiency. Improvements have also been made in the western federal states, particularly in urban and southern German regions. While...

Heat: Measures against extreme temperatures in homes

During the summer months, the heat in apartments can become unbearable. In some cases, courts have approved rent reductions if the apartments have structural defects and the tenants are significantly affected by the high temperatures. Owners can protect themselves from legal disputes and financial losses by taking appropriate measures against the heat.

Cushions: set accents quickly

Cushions not only create a cozy atmosphere, they also set the mood. By choosing cushions with vibrant colors or interesting patterns, fresh accents can be set immediately without the need for a complete room redesign. Such simple accessories can have a significant impact on the appearance and add pizzazz to the home. The choice of colors plays...

Urban development: Fewer and fewer homes are being built

Fewer and fewer owner-occupied homes are being built in Germany. According to a study by Deutsche Bank, the last owner-occupied home could even be built in 2050. The main reasons for this are rising construction costs and greater environmental awareness. The trend is towards "greener building". This also means that apartment buildings are more likely to be built than semi-detached and detached houses. They have - comparatively -...

Buying a home: realistically calculating maintenance costs

In the current real estate landscape, condominiums from the 1970s and 1980s are increasingly attracting buyers due to their comparatively lower prices and the decline in new construction activity. However, buyers of such apartments should not only consider the purchase price. The Association of Private Builders (VPB) advises that the amount of the maintenance reserve should also be checked. The reason for this...

Solar energy: According to experts, Germany could expand in these areas

Germany's potential for using solar energy on buildings is enormous, but still largely untapped. In 2023, 61.1 terawatt hours of solar power were produced. This corresponds to only twelve percent of national electricity consumption. According to the knowledge magazine "scinexx", if Germany's annual electricity requirements were to be covered by solar energy, the area of the island of Rügen - i.e. almost 1,000...

AfA: Expert opinion enables tax reduction if necessary

Property owners can optimize their tax deduction for wear and tear (AfA) with a remaining useful life report. An expert opinion can prove that the actual useful life of a property is shorter than the tax office's estimate. This makes it possible to increase the annual depreciation amounts and extend the remaining useful life.

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