The EU-funded PVP4Grid research project, coordinated by the German Solar Industry Association (BSW), aims, among other things, to increase the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe. The association of twelve partners from different European countries supports and encourages consumers to jointly generate and use solar power. The term prosumer refers to users who generate and use their own electricity.
A count by BSW between February 2019 and January 2020 showed that the number of prosumers in Germany has increased by almost 100,000. Thus, BSW is optimistic that the prosumer model will prevail and establish itself in Europe even after the research project has been completed. Similarly, BSW sees the prosumer model as a megatrend in the area of energy supply and consumption. Whether in single households or in an apartment building, in a commercial enterprise or as part of an energy community, consumers benefit financially from the privately generated and jointly used electricity and at the same time make a major contribution to climate protection.
If there is a surplus in electricity production, this can be used, for example, for charging stations for electric cars or for operating a heat pump, or deposited in a solar power storage unit for later consumption. Even if consumers do not own a PV system themselves or do not have the space to install a solar system, it is possible to participate in the prosumer model and become part of an energy community. By joining several partners, all members of the energy community can be supplied with electricity. In addition, unused solar power can be fed into the public power grid for a fee.
Source: BSW