Ruling: Camera may not always be set up

A wildlife camera on a property can violate the personal rights of neighbors. This was decided by the local court in Munich (case no.: 171 C 11188/22). The local court thus confirmed a temporary injunction prohibiting the owner of the camera from setting it up on her property if she could use it to record the neighbor's area or give the impression of doing so. Although the camera...

Sleep: The advantages of solid wood beds

The quality of sleep depends not only on daily routines, but also on the choice of bed. This is explained by Andreas Ruf, Managing Director of the Initiative Pro Massivholz. He points out that solid wood beds can offer advantages for sleeping comfort due to their natural properties. This is because solid wood releases natural substances into the room air that promote relaxation and...

Cybercrime: a challenge in the real estate sector

The real estate industry is facing new challenges from cyber attacks. This is shown by a study conducted by KPMG and the German Property Federation (ZIA). It shows that although 93% of companies in the sector consider cybersecurity to be important, only 51% have a corresponding strategy. Above all, there is a lack of specific protective measures for building technology....

Blog: "Housing and financing"

Interested parties can find information on topics such as building, buying, renovating and financing on the "Wohnen und Finanzieren" blog. The blog is aimed at builders and buyers with real estate projects. They are kept up to date with regularly updated articles, advice and case studies. The main aim of the blog is to provide builders and buyers with clear guidance in the...

Save energy: These changes apply in 2024

From 2024, changes in the area of energy saving will come into force. The energy advice service of the consumer advice center points this out. One major change is the amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG). From January 1, 2024, new buildings in new development areas must install heating systems that use at least 65% renewable energy. For existing buildings outside of...

Land register: No deletion of compulsory entries

After the deletion of lawful compulsory entries, property owners are not entitled to a rewriting of the land register entries. This was decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH, AZ: V ZB 17/22). In this case, an owner had requested the land registry to create new land register sheets from which the deleted entries would no longer be visible. As the...

Kitchen trends 2024: modern, natural and sustainable

The kitchens of 2024 offer a variety of visual, tactile and functional innovations. According to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche (AMK), these kitchens are characterized by their combination of natural and technical elements, flexibility and stability as well as sustainability and innovation. They offer a harmonious blend of authenticity and high-tech, which is suitable for both...

Buying real estate: more expensive than renting despite falling prices

Although property prices recorded a historic year-on-year decline of 9.9% in the second quarter of 2023, buying a property remains more financially unaffordable than renting. Even if rents continue to rise by 20 percent, buying a property is still a less attractive option than renting due to the high interest rates on loans. This is according to a study by...

Building Code: New regulations to simplify development plans

The German Bundestag has passed important amendments to the Federal Building Code (BauGB) that will make a significant contribution to legal clarity when drawing up development plans in outdoor areas. The focus is on the introduction of Section 215a of the Building Code (BauGB), a "repair provision" that replaces the previous Section 13b BauGB. This step follows a ruling by the...

Energy efficiency significantly increases property values

Properties with high energy efficiency will achieve up to 33 percent higher market prices in 2023 compared to properties with low efficiency. This applies to both new builds and energy-efficient refurbished homes. These are the findings of a study conducted by ImmobilienScout24 on behalf of the German Energy Efficient Building Envelope Association (BuVEG). The average value advantage of...

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