Brochure: "Living at home for longer"

How can older people live independently in their familiar surroundings for as long as possible? The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) explains this in the brochure "Living at home for longer". The brochure encourages older people to make their own homes more age-appropriate, whether through structural changes or technical improvements.

Bicycle garages: observe building regulations

Permission may be required for the construction of bicycle garages in some regions. The Association of Private Builders (VPB) points this out. Those who already have an existing garage or tool shed usually have no problems. It is permissible to use these. However, according to the VPB, building owners who wish to erect a new bicycle garage should familiarize themselves with the respective...

Building permits: Decline in residential construction

In September 2023, residential construction in Germany reached a new low: according to the German Construction Industry Association, the number of building permits fell by 29.7 percent to 19,300 apartments - the lowest rate since 2013. Chief Executive Tim-Oliver Müller expressed his concern about this continuing decline. He emphasized that neither political summits nor previous...

Photovoltaics: Improved power converters

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE and their industrial partners have made progress in the development of photovoltaic power converters in the "PV-MoVe" project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). The aim of the project was to use innovative technologies to reduce the size, weight and cost of PV power converters...

Judgment: Caution with exclusion of liability for material defects

A buyer cannot always demand a refund of the purchase price from the seller if it later transpires that there is no building permit for the property (AZ: 6 U 210/22). This was recently decided by the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main (OLG). The buyer had purchased an apartment in Frankfurt's Nordend district for 330,000 euros. However, the purchase contract contained an exclusion of liability for material defects...

Flooring: the right choice

Which floor covering is the right one for your apartment or house? It depends not only on the room in which it is laid, but also on personal requirements and appearance. In a series of pictures, the portal "" shows various floor coverings and also breaks down the advantages and disadvantages of the different variants. Parquet flooring, for example, is considered...

City ranking: Mainz leads in the dynamics ranking

Mainz has maintained its position as the most dynamic city in Germany in the current 2023 city ranking (1st place) and has therefore developed the best over the past five years. Berlin and Leipzig are in 2nd and 3rd place in the dynamic ranking, while Munich has made it to 1st place in the level ranking, which reflects the economic strength of the cities. Mainz is in 2nd place in this ranking, Stuttgart in 3rd...

Construction: BSB warns of declining willingness to modernize

The Bauherren-Schutzbund (BSB) warns of a significant decline in interest in property modernization among private owners. A recent BSB survey shows that only a third of owners of older properties are planning energy modernization measures. Worryingly, 61 percent of those surveyed had no plans whatsoever to modernize their...

Residential districts: research project on smart home systems

The "Silgentas" research project, led by legal IT specialist Frederik Möllers from Saarland University, focuses on improving IT security in residential areas with smart home systems. These systems offer considerable advantages. For example, they can increase comfort and energy efficiency by adjusting the heating and lighting settings to suit the...

Verdict: No compensation for accident with garage door

A Porsche Coupé 911 driver wants to drive out of the underground parking garage of a residential complex. She opens the door with a sensor key and drives off. The garage door closes unexpectedly, crashes onto the roof of her car and damages it. Because the garage door was open and hit her car as she was driving out, she believes that the company breached its duty to maintain road safety.

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