Research: Power generation in the prosumer model

The EU-funded PVP4Grid research project, coordinated by the German Solar Industry Association (BSW), aims, among other things, to increase the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe. The association of twelve partners from different European countries supports and encourages consumers to jointly generate and use solar power. Under the...

Turf for the garden

Especially if you have a small garden, it is worth thinking about laying a sod. After all, a sod is already sown and the blades of grass sprout lush green. The cost of materials for a rolled lawn, including delivery, is about five to seven euros per square meter. Thus, for a 50-square-meter garden, you can expect a price of about 300 euros. Should the...

Corona crisis: impact on the real estate market

According to initial assessments by the German real estate association IVD, the Corona crisis will affect the real estate market in the short, medium and long term. While the IVD is relatively optimistic about the developments due to the Corona crisis on the asset class of residential real estate, it sees negative effects in the asset classes of office real estate as well as retail and...

Tips: Planning electrical installations

Whether in the planning of a prefabricated house or as a retrofit in an already inhabited house, the equipment of the electrical installations plays an important role. Nowadays, the requirements for well thought-out and functioning electrical engineering have grown to the extent that the areas of living and working are increasingly merging. Thus, in the open kitchen quickly find a place to...

Step-by-step guide to the energy renovated house

The renovation compass on the online platform Effizienzhaus-online provides owners with step-by-step instructions for the energy-efficient renovation of their house. Divided into four phases, owners receive a wealth of information on the topics of "analysis and advice," "financing and funding," "planning and commissioning," and "implementation and completion."....

Draft law: Modernization of residential property management

On March 23, 2020, the German government enacted a bill to modernize residential property management (WEG management) and to promote electromobility. The Association of Property Managers Germany (VDIV) believes that the legislative process will be completed this summer. With the new regulations and the WEG reform, the system should...

Test: How do I find the right real estate loan?

Anyone who wants to buy or build a house or modernize their property is dependent on financial support in the form of credits or loans. Banks, insurance companies and building societies offer a variety of models to help future homeowners finance their property. Which real estate loan is actually worthwhile and what borrowers must pay attention to when financing,...

Ranking: Service-friendly city

Haus & Grund, the German Homeowners' Association, has ranked one hundred of Germany's largest cities on the subject of "service-friendly cities" in the area of digitization and digital service. In cooperation with the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Cologne Institute for the German Economy), the cities' Internet presences were evaluated. Winner of the...

Tip: What to do about saltpeter on the walls?

If saltpeter forms on walls and walls, a remedy must be found quickly. This is because saltpeter is harmful to health and can cause major structural damage. If moisture is present in the walls and comes together with water-soluble compounds in the masonry, salts such as chlorides, sufides or nitrates dissolve from the building substance and get out from inside the walls. To...

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