Study: Student housing is becoming increasingly expensive

  • 5 years ago

The Student Housing Report 2019 by the finance company MLP in cooperation with the Institute of the German Economy examines the housing situation and rental prices in the area of student housing in 30 German university cities. The results of the study not only show a major shortage of student housing, but also a faster increase in rental prices compared to the overall market. Rental prices for student housing have never been as high as they are currently.

While more and more students are accredited every year, the number of dormitory places and the net income of students are stagnating. On average, a student earns 900 euros for their living expenses, while in Munich, for example, they have to pay just under 720 euros in rent for their student apartment. The study shows that rents for a model apartment of about 30 square meters with normal furnishings, built in 1995, have risen by 4.6 percent within a year. On average across all German cities, students pay 403 euros for a student apartment.

One of the reasons for the high rental prices is that not only students are looking for centrally located and small apartments, but also commuters, seniors and employed people. Prices for shared rooms are also rising continuously. Thus, the Bafög housing allowance, which was increased to the maximum rate of 325 euros per month in the winter semester 2019/2020, is also not enough to be able to afford student life. In two-thirds of the cities surveyed, the Bafög rate cannot even pay for the rent of an average apartment.

Source: MLP

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