July 2020

Tip: raised bed in the garden or on the balcony

Whether in the garden, on the balcony or on the terrace, a raised bed offers a good alternative or supplement to classic gardening and planting fruit, vegetables as well as plants and flowers. In addition, gardening at a raised bed is particularly easy on the back, because the work area is at a height of 80 to 100 centimeters. The length of the raised bed should be...

Trend: demand for coworking spaces has quadrupled

A May 2020 market survey conducted by the German Coworking Spaces Association (BVCS) shows that demand for coworking spaces in Germany has quadrupled in a two-year time frame. While there were just over 300 coworking spaces across Germany in August 2018, the association's May 2020 survey already recorded 1,268...

Property development: These house connections must be installed

Anyone who comes into possession of a plot of land and soon wants to build their dream house on it must first equip the plot with numerous house connections. Lines for electricity, water and wastewater as well as for gas and a telephone line must be applied for and laid promptly. It is important to include this item in the calculation, because the connections can be expensive together with the...

Statistics: Heating with renewable energies is becoming increasingly popular

According to calculations by the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), a total of 67.2 percent of all newly built properties in Germany were heated entirely or partially with renewable energies in 2019. In figures, this amounts to 108,100 properties that obtained their energy in an environmentally friendly manner. In particular, the use of heat pumps and energy generation through geothermal and environmental heating is growing in German...

Tip: How to arrange your kitchen properly

Open space concepts that connect the living and dining areas put the kitchen at the center of the action. An open kitchen is also a popular meeting place when visitors arrive. But what should be considered if order is to prevail in the living and cooking area even after a cooking battle and what arrangement as well as functions should a kitchen have in order to facilitate work processes....

Study on the impact of government regulation of the housing market.

The study "Assessment of possible effects of new rent regulations on the rental housing market in Germany" by the Institute for Economic Research (DIW Econ) deals with planned rent regulations and their effects on the local housing market. For the study, DIW examined party positions of the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Die Linke and the Berlin state government....

Guide: Insulate properly

Even if the topic of insulation does not play a central role for homeowners during the summer months, it still makes sense to think about the energy-related renovation of existing properties and the different insulation methods and materials now. Private builders of new properties should also be well informed about which methods are suitable for insulating their own homes....

Project: "Nature in the garden

Last year, the Lower Saxony Home Ownership Association launched the "Nature in the Garden" project. This initiative pursues the goal of using as many gardens of private owners as possible as biotopes to support and develop biodiversity in Germany. Likewise, the gardens of the owners participating in the initiative are to be networked in the long term in such a way...

Verdict: New floor covering must provide sufficient sound insulation

Anyone who changes or replaces the floor covering in their condominium must ensure that the new floor complies with the applicable sound insulation guidelines. In the case of changes and construction measures to the condominium property, it is also one of the duties of a condominium owner, according to § 14 No. 1 WEG, to ensure that the other owners are not affected by the measures or repairs carried...

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