The coronavirus crisis is also having an impact on the real estate and housing industry. New challenges are already apparent. Tenants will fall behind in paying their rents. For landlords, too, a stop in payments by tenants can have fatal consequences. The real estate association Germany IVD supports the measures of the Federal Government for the protection of the tenants. But in addition, the association points out that owners must also be protected from the effects of the crisis.
According to the IVD, a short-term extension of protection against dismissal is only fair if it is accompanied by other measures, such as an increase in housing allowances. The IVD also welcomes the idea of introducing a housing fund. It is important that the state also ensures support for owner-occupiers and landlords.
Irrespective of the federal government's undertakings, the IVD appeals to tenants to seek talks with their landlords if tenants have payment problems. The goal is to find a workable compromise for both sides. Likewise, the IVD points out that there are a large number of tenants who have already terminated their tenancies, are planning to move or are looking for accommodation. The IVD demands that under the consideration of protection and hygiene precautions removals and apartment inspections should continue to take place.
Source: IVD