Dormer: prefabricated or custom-made?

Those who do not want to do without daylight in the attic, can provide light incidence and brightness in the room with a dormer. At the same time, a dormer has the effect of ventilating the attic and increasing the usable space of the room. Roof dormers are available as a prefabricated structure or can be custom-made. However, a custom-made dormer makes the cost rise significantly.

A dormer costs between 5,000 and 20,000 euros - depending on size, material and shape. Custom designs are more expensive than prefabricated designs because they must first be designed by an architect. Thus, an individual dormer can quickly cost three times as much as a prefabricated dormer. When choosing the shape of the dormer, owners should first ask which is the right choice for the existing roof. Trailing dormers are less expensive than batwing dormers, for example.

The installed windows represent another cost factor. Here, the material, the shape as well as the frames and the insulation of the windows play an important role in the pricing. Plastic windows are significantly cheaper than wood or aluminum windows, for example. Those who want roller shutters or special interior insulation must in turn reckon with additional costs. In principle, it is advisable to install one large window rather than several smaller windows. Prefabricated dormers are available in different shapes, materials and quality levels and are easy to install on the house.

Source: Building guide Germany

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