Tip: What to do about saltpeter on the walls?

  • 4 years ago

If saltpeter forms on walls and walls, a remedy must be found quickly. This is because saltpeter is harmful to health and can cause major structural damage. If moisture is present in the walls and comes together with water-soluble compounds in the masonry, salts such as chlorides, sufides or nitrates dissolve from the building substance and get out from the inside of the walls to the outside. A white flaky layer called saltpeter can be seen.

If the saltpeter on the walls is not removed and the cause of the moisture in the walls is not eliminated, over time there will be more and more damage to the grout. As a result, the plaster crumbles away and the masonry becomes increasingly unstable. Since saltpeter has the property of attracting and retaining water, larger and larger amounts of moisture accumulate within the masonry. Therefore, it is of very high importance to remove both the moisture in the masonry and the saltpeter from the walls. Only in this way can structural damage be repaired.

Before you start looking for the reason for the formation of saltpeter, you must first remove the coating from the walls. Small amounts of saltpeter can be removed directly with a spatula. It is recommended to use gloves and a dust mask. Larger, stubborn areas can be removed with a chemical cleaner. In this case, it is important to properly ventilate the room after cleaning. After that, it is necessary to clarify how the moisture in the masonry. The damage must be immediately removed by a professional.

Source: The house online
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