Energy efficiency: label guide provides support when buying household appliances

The "Deutschland macht's effizient" campaign of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aims to promote a change in awareness in society in which citizens efficiently integrate and use renewable energies in their everyday lives. In order to achieve the climate protection goals, the use of energy must be improved and implemented in all areas of life. The label pilot of the BMWi explains the numerous and different energy labels to consumers and supports them in purchasing environmentally friendly household appliances.

The Label-Lotse not only explains the difference between the energy efficiency classes A+++ to D, but also provides information on the meaning of all other details and symbols on the energy consumption labels introduced by the European Union. Divided into six appliance groups, the Label-Lotse provides a helpful decision-making aid when buying refrigerators and freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, televisions and lighting. All topic areas contain a detailed checklist that serves as a basis of information before purchasing a household appliance and that consumers can use to specify their individual requirements for the appliance.

For example, the Label-Lotse provides an overview of what capacity a clothes dryer needs for a family of four, how many liters of usable capacity a refrigerator should have depending on the number of people in the household, or it provides an overview of the many types of lamp bases and lamp sockets as well as information on which color temperatures are best suited for which room. The BMWi's Label-Lotse compiles a comprehensive range of information with guides and decision-making aids and provides helpful energy-saving tips as well as information on various appliance manufacturers.

Source: BMWi

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