A smart meter controls energy consumption and reduces costs

  • 4 years ago

The non-profit consulting company co2online presents the features and functionality of smart meters on its website. A smart meter is primarily a digital electricity meter. However, the digital recording of the consumption of natural gas, district heating and water, as well as the duration of use, is also displayed and calculated on a smart meter. The data is shown on a display in the household, via an app or online.

A smart meter is designed to help reduce electricity consumption in the home and to detect devices that are consuming too much. Consumption data is transmitted via a communication module, the smart meter gateway. This transmits the data via the power line, the Internet or radio. A metering point operator can evaluate this data at regular intervals and send it to the consumer. In this way, he has a regular overview of consumption and can thus save costs.

Studies show that a 4-person household can save around 60 to 150 euros a year by using a smart meter. The digital electricity meter also brings some advantages for operators of a photovoltaic system. For example, the smart metering system indicates when there is enough self-produced electricity to fill up the electric car or start the smart washing machine. Further information on the costs, installation or safety of a smart meter can be found on the co2online website. It also explains, for example, what is meant by the terms smart meter rollout or smart grid.

Source: co2online
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