Study: The world after Corona

The May 2020 study "The World after Corona. Business, markets, lifeworlds - what will change" is a guide by experts from the Zukunftsinstitut in Berlin, in which they look at possible lifeworlds and scenarios in the post-Corona reality. The study examines the topics of health, education, leisure, mobility, consumption and housing, as well as nutrition, travel, politics and work, and presents them in different future theses and scenarios. The guide is intended to serve as an orientation aid for companies on how they could align their strategies in the future. The future experts assume that the trend toward hyperlocality in the area of housing will continue to intensify as a result of the spatial separation of people that lasted for weeks during the restrictions in the Corona crisis.

Thus, the neighborhood in which people live and reside will increasingly come into focus. The search for good relationships in the neighborhood, communication and appreciation of what is in the immediate vicinity will increasingly grow. One expression of this will be that co-living lifestyles will become increasingly prevalent in the residential sector and that living and doing business in a community will take center stage. Cities such as Paris, Barcelona, London or Portland in Oregon are already implementing the trend of hyperlocality in new housing and living models. In Paris, for example, under the motto of the "15-minute city," the areas of living, working, leisure and education are to be reached within 15 minutes on foot or by bicycle.

The changes in the workspace that have moved large numbers of people out of the office and into the home office in a short period of time also have long-term implications for living and working in post-Corona lifeworlds. For example, the spatial separation between the areas of work and leisure will diminish, people will need new ways of living and impetus on how to work from home in a more efficient and concentrated way, and how to deal with the new requirement to mix the areas of living, working and leisure and the ability to be more flexible.

Source: Zukunftsinstitut

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