Trend: demand for coworking spaces has quadrupled

A May 2020 market survey conducted by the German Coworking Spaces Association (BVCS) shows that demand for coworking spaces in Germany has quadrupled in a two-year time frame. While there were just over 300 coworking spaces across Germany in August 2018, the association already recorded 1,268 coworking spaces in its May 2020 survey.

In times of restructuring in the world of work, not only due to the effects of the Corona crisis, the trend towards so-called "remote work" (teleworking) continues to prevail. The BVCS market analysis also shows that numerous companies are rethinking and changing their work structures. Coworking spaces not only offer a pleasant alternative to the home office and to classic office real estate, but also economic advantages from the point of view of companies. The market survey shows that the costs for workplaces in a coworking space are half as high as the costs in a company's own office.

Compared to home offices, working in coworking spaces also has many advantages from an employer's perspective. Legal issues and regulations, for example in the area of data protection or with regard to the workplace ordinance, are easier to implement. The experts at BVCS also expect demand for and establishment of shared office spaces to increase in the future. An increase is expected not only in large cities and metropolitan areas, but also in rural areas. Commuters save time through nearby coworking spaces and can better combine family and career. Likewise, coworking spaces help minimize rural migration and have a positive impact on population figures in rural areas.

Source: BVCS

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