Guidance: Building and renovation measures on the way to an energy-efficient house

Based on close cooperation with a large network of experts from all over Germany, the German Energy Agency (dena) has put together a step-by-step guide on its website that accompanies builders on their way to an energy-efficient house. In five steps, interested parties are given an overview of possible construction and renovation measures and important information on how the measures should be coordinated to achieve the lowest possible energy consumption. With an energy-efficient house, not only can energy costs be permanently saved, but the value of the house can also be increased.

In the first step, "diagnosis and consultation," a compilation is made of how the building owners envision their new, energy-saving house. A priority list clarifies what is particularly important to the new owners. They also learn how and where to find an energy expert or building consultant to guide them through the entire construction and renovation process. Step two deals with questions about "financing" the energy-efficient house. By creating a detailed financial plan, the budget is determined individually. In addition, builders receive helpful information on the various financing methods and funding opportunities.

Step three focuses on the "planning" of the construction project. Here, the work steps are structured, taking into account the budget, and a schedule is drawn up. The responsibilities of the construction partners are also named. Questions about the processes and coordination on the construction site are discussed in step four, the "implementation phase". In this phase, topics such as construction meetings or the tasks of a construction manager are on the agenda. The last step on the way to the energy-efficient house is the "conclusion". Here, builders learn what to look out for during final acceptance, what they can do if they are not satisfied with a performance and what they need to consider at the end of the construction and refurbishment process. In addition, dena provides a downloadable checklist for each of the five steps.

Source: dena

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