Survey: How popular is real estate as an investment?

The market and opinion research institute YouGov conducted a survey on behalf of Commerz Real AG on the importance of real estate as a capital investment. While 51 percent of respondents in the same survey in February 2020, before the exit restrictions and measures declared by the Corona pandemic, saw a real estate investment as a sensible and stable capital investment, the figure is already 56 percent just four months later. A total of 2,000 participants from all over Germany were surveyed in the study.

For around half of those surveyed, the aspect of a secure investment is the primary consideration when buying real estate. Likewise, investing in real estate is seen as a particularly crisis-proof investment, especially in difficult economic times, such as the Corona crisis. Further criteria for a real estate investment are according to study participants a safe accumulation of assets (30 per cent) or a good protection against inflation (24 per cent). For 21 percent, a high return plays an important role.

But what aspects speak against a real estate purchase or what obstacles do prospective buyers see in this form of capital investment? While above all the high equity ratio in a direct purchase unsettles many respondents, fears of debt or the financial commitment over many years also make many potential buyers doubtful. Therefore, many investors see indirect real estate investments as a good way to create a secure value investment without exposing themselves to the risk of debt. These include, for example, the purchase of shares or real estate investment trusts as well as open-ended real estate funds or the possibility of crowdinvesting. Around 41 percent of respondents see this as a good and safe alternative.

Source: Commerz Real

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