Study: Reduce energy consumption

According to a study by energy service provider Techem, 93 percent of the 2,000 households in apartment buildings surveyed are aware that proper heating and ventilation are crucial to heat consumption in the home. Everyday measures, such as daily shock ventilation, are used by 72 percent of the study participants. Before turning up the heating, a large proportion of participants (68 percent) clear the radiator.

However, even though some measures in the area of heating and ventilation lead to more energy efficiency in everyday life and are known to many consumers, there are other methods and behaviors that are unknown to the study participants, according to the study results. For example, the study results show that only about half of the households surveyed have their heating regularly vented. Similarly, according to the study authors, numerous consumers have knowledge gaps regarding the proper setting of thermostatic valves. However, if heaters are unknowingly set incorrectly, this results in heating in excess of actual consumption.

According to the study results, 65 percent of the households surveyed rate their level of knowledge regarding correct heating and ventilation behavior as "good" to "very good". More than half of the participants are interested in being even better informed about the topic of "correct heating and ventilation". Transparency and insights regarding their own user behavior are also desired by 46 percent of households in order to adjust their own behavior and reduce consumption. Interested parties can find out which room temperatures are sufficient in which rooms, how heating valves can be set correctly and other helpful energy-saving tips on the Techem website.

Source: Techem

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