Tips: Undamaged tiles when drilling

Tiles in the bathroom, kitchen or other premises should not be processed, if possible. After all, they are made of ceramic, clay or porcelain, are resistant and provide the perfect protection against moisture. With a scratch hardness of 8, tiles are among the hardest materials and are in the upper third of the hardness scale. The scratch hardness describes the resistance of a mineral when scratched with a sharp-edged object. For comparison: a diamond has a scratch hardness of 10.

The scratch hardness means that tiles quickly break, chip or crack during drilling. But sometimes you can not avoid reaching for the drill. Especially when there are hardly any sanitary facilities in the bathroom. With the right tool and a correct technique, mistakes can be avoided and the tiles remain undamaged. One of the most important preparatory work is to check the wall for installed water and power lines. A special line locator can be used to detect metals within the wall.

So-called glass drills are particularly suitable for drilling tiles. These easily penetrate ceramic, clay and porcelain and leave the tiles undamaged when used correctly. Drills with a so-called drill bit are also well suited for wall tiles. Drill bits are available in a variety of diameters and have the advantage of simultaneously cooling the tile with a built-in wax or with a water fill. Cooling the tile is the be-all and end-all when drilling. This is because friction generates a lot of heat, which can quickly lead to stresses and thus cracks in the tile. It is therefore recommended to take short breaks during drilling and to let the tile cool down. Likewise, drilling should be done at a low speed and no pressure should be built up.

Source: The house online

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