KfW: Increase in subsidies for energy-efficient urban refurbishment

The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) has increased subsidies for energy-efficient urban redevelopment in neighborhoods. The funding program "Energetic Urban Redevelopment - Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation in Neighborhoods" has been in effect since the beginning of April and supports, among other things, the creation of a green infrastructure and the establishment and expansion of climate-friendly mobility. Digitization and water-sensitive urban development in the neighborhood are also among the key topics commissioned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs.

For example, the subsidy for eligible costs in KfW Program 432 for energy-efficient urban redevelopment was increased from 65 to 75 percent. The financial contribution for municipalities is now 5 percent and not 15 percent as before. Grants for materials have also been doubled and now amount to 20 percent instead of 10 percent. A further expansion of the funding options also falls into the area of development loans and repayment subsidies. If municipalities apply for these loans on the basis of a neighborhood concept, the repayment subsidies can be as high as 40 percent.

The revised and expanded KfW funding program is initially valid until June 30, 2022, with around EUR 70 million available this year. The funding program has been in place since November 15, 2011, and more than 2,000 funding commitments had been made by the end of 2020. During this period, the total amount of funding reached a loan volume of €1.22 billion in the area of neighborhood supply. Around 101 million euros flowed in the form of grants for the development of concepts and in the area of redevelopment management.

Source: BMI
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