Study: Sustainability certificate as a value driver?

  • 4 years ago

With the study "Sustainability certificate as a value driver? - Empirical Survey and Scenarios on the Influence of Value in Office Buildings", the real estate service provider JLL deals with the topic of sustainable construction in office and administrative buildings. This is because real estate and its construction methods play an important role on the path to climate neutrality. Above all, office and administrative buildings are in focus when it comes to reducing Co2 emissions and achieving climate targets.

But what exactly is meant by sustainable construction and what standards must be met in order to be recognized as such? Investors' expectations of sustainable buildings are also part of the research. Likewise, the topic of sustainability certificates is covered, the so-called green building certificates. Here, the focus is on the development of rents and prices as well as the market value of properties with sustainability certificates.

In the study, JLL examines office and administrative buildings in the Big 7 cities in Germany with the help of its extensive database. By analyzing the data from Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Stuttgart, JLL aims to bring more transparency to the topic of sustainable construction and operation of office and administrative buildings and facilitate the classification of property valuations.

Source: JLL

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