Thermal detector detects weak points on the house

With a thermodetector, homeowners have the opportunity to quickly and easily detect weak points in the house. This is because if there are impairments in the masonry or in the building structure, such as thermal bridges, they are not visible to the occupants with the naked eye. Instead, the walls and rooms feel cold, heating costs appear high, or mold even forms in the corners of the walls.

In order to detect construction defects or insufficient insulation, the surface temperatures on the walls, ceilings and floors as well as the room temperature must be defined with a surface temperature measuring device, a so-called thermodetector. This simultaneously measures the humidity in the room and analyzes the values. A color light-emitting diode (LED) not only indicates existing thermal bridges, but also detects weak points in the house that can be remediated quickly to avoid consequential damage.

This makes it possible to find out at a glance whether a leaky window or defects in the building fabric are responsible for the mold or high energy consumption. Once the weak points are known, owners can act quickly by, for example, eliminating the thermal bridges with targeted insulation and thus ensuring a healthy living and indoor climate. In addition, a healthy living climate can be promoted with the right behaviors in everyday life, such as regular shock ventilation or controlled ventilation of the living space.

Source: effizienzhaus-online

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