Tips: Save energy properly with the dishwasher

  • 4 years ago

Anyone who operates their dishwasher with hot water can also save energy. Stiftung Warentest has compiled a list of what to look out for on its website. In principle, it makes sense to install the dishwasher directly on the hot water supply. This is because tap water is usually only 10 to 15 degrees Celsius; during a wash cycle in the dishwasher, the water is heated to 50 to 55 degrees.

But consumers should follow a few tips to ensure that the savings effect and environmentally friendly behavior can be fully exploited. If the tap water in the kitchen is heated electrically anyway, there is no need for a dishwasher with a hot water connection. Because in this case the water would be heated twice. This neither reduces energy consumption nor protects the environment.

The length of the line also plays an important role. If hot water is conveyed into the dishwasher through a long pipe, it cools down before it arrives in the machine and the energy savings are reduced. Therefore, the line should be as short as possible so that the water arrives warm in the dishwasher. Because if the water is already warm, cleaning programs require less time and therefore less energy. If you also switch on the "Eco" program, the dishwasher runs longer, but the temperature for the rinsing process is lower and therefore more environmentally friendly.

Source: Stiftung Warentest

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