Anyone who dreams of living in a mobile home faces a number of hurdles. If the home of one's own or the rented apartment is permanently exchanged for mobile accommodation, the question of a registration address and the legal situation first arises. On the blog Campofant, interested parties can find numerous tips about living in a mobile home. Even though there is no clearly formulated law that prohibits permanent living in a mobile home, there are many legal gray areas.
According to the Federal Registration Act § 20, it is possible to register the mobile home or caravan as a residence. However, it should be noted that this is hardly or not at all moved. One possibility would be to register the residential address at a permanent camping site. It is also possible to register the mobile home on your own property. However, the regulations of the respective municipality must be observed here. Which possibilities there are to receive mail, if one is on the way with the camper or which insurances are needed, prospective customers can read up likewise on the Blog. Likewise, they will find information on the respective legal regulations.
Anyone who wants to live permanently in a motor home or caravan should think about the type of vehicle in advance. While a classic motor home offers many amenities, an old truck offers many possibilities for expansion. A caravan has the advantage that the car can be used for shopping or sightseeing, for example. More space-saving is a panel van or a bus. However, this offers less space inside and requires good organization. Information on topics related to life in a motorhome, such as finding a place to sleep, cooking, doing laundry or the water supply, can also be found on the blog.