Wooden houses: construction method determines the proportion of wood

If you want to build a wooden house, you can choose between different designs and construction methods. Rustic log houses or classic log houses have a higher proportion of wood than prefabricated houses in wooden panel construction. However, modern wooden houses made of a wood and glass combination, modular houses or Tiny Houses are also ecological and climate-friendly and offer a special living environment. In addition, modern wooden houses score with a short construction time and offer many individual design options.

The natural, regenerative and renewable raw material wood is considered to be particularly environmentally friendly. But how much wood is actually used in a wooden house depends on the construction method. For example, there are wooden houses whose walls are made of solid wood and in which the use of wood is also found in the interior. For example, the floors and stairs, as well as windows and doors, can be made of wood. A house facade made of wood also increases the wood content and thus the climate friendliness of the house.

Houses in timber frame or timber skeleton construction have a lower wood content. But even here, the wood content can be increased in other areas, for example in thermal insulation. Wood-fiber insulating materials are ideal for insulating exterior walls and roofs. They have excellent insulating properties and good sound insulation. In addition, they provide a good and indoor climate. Anyone building a wooden house should ensure that the building material comes from sustainable forestry and has only short transport routes to processing.

Source: hausbauhelden.de
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