Heating season: BDEW calls for heating turnaround

In the building stock, heating is predominantly provided by gas (49.1 percent), followed by heating oil (25 percent), district heating (14.1 percent), other forms of heating (6.2 percent), and direct electric heating and electric heat pumps (2.6 percent each).

These figures emerge from an evaluation by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW). In order to achieve the climate targets, BDEW is calling for a heat turnaround in which owners and tenants participate.

Which technology and measures are suitable in terms of heat supply, however, varies from house to house. The reasons for this are, for example, the different ages, the pipe connections in the ground and the financial possibilities of the owners. For more information, including on heat supply in new-build apartments, interested parties can visit bdew.de.

Source: BDEW
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