Home ownership: more climate protection needed

More than 50 percent of homeowners don't know or don't know exactly how to save energy at their property. Only 14 percent know exactly how much energy their home consumes. And only 10 percent of homeowners and tenants believe that a particularly large amount of CO2 can be saved in the building sector in the future.

This is the result of a forsa survey commissioned by the Bauherren-Schutzbund (BSB). Less than 1,000 homeowners were surveyed, as well as tenants who would like to own their own home. BSB managing director Florian Becker criticizes in this context that the achievement of climate targets in the building sector also depends on the individual decisions of homeowners.

He is therefore calling for a new funding model: a building climate bonus for modernization measures that demonstrably save CO2. This is to be checked on the basis of a before-and-after comparison of the energy certificate. Florian Becker sees two advantages in the new funding model. Firstly, homeowners can see at a glance where modernization is necessary. Secondly, the direct subsidy is intended to help homeowners with financing in an unbureaucratic manner.

Source and further information: bsb-ev.de
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