Tidy up: tips for the kitchen

The question of how residents can best tidy up their kitchens is addressed by the zuhausewohnen.de portal. In addition it supplies apart from an extensive guidance also Tipps, how they hold these after clearing up in order. When cleaning up, residents should first remove all utensils from the kitchen that do not belong in it. These include, for example, decorative items without function, batteries and storage packages.

In addition, residents can clean out their kitchen cabinets and drawers. This allows them to see at a glance which utensils they own. These utensils can then be sorted into useful categories and put away again in a sensible way. In the process, residents can also clean out until there are only utensils in the kitchen that are used frequently.

To keep things tidy later, zuhause.de recommends, among other things, returning utensils to their original place every day. In addition, residents can consider which kitchen cabinets and drawers get dirty again most quickly and make a plan for when they need to be cleaned again. Interested parties can find more tidying tips at zuhausewohnen.de

Source: zuhausewohnen.de
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