Furnishings: find the right dining table

How do owners or tenants find the right dining table for their house or apartment? This question is addressed by the immonet.de portal. It advises to orient itself with the choice of the table at the number of the inhabitants. According to the portal, an area of 60 x 40 centimeters should be planned per person.

If guests often come to visit, owners or tenants can also think about an extendable dining table. A large number of people can be seated at this table. Once the guests have left, however, it can be folded away again. Folding tables that are integrated into the kitchen unit, for example, are suitable for particularly small rooms.

Whether a round or square dining table comes into question is decided not only by its appearance, but also by space and money. The portal points out that square tables are more space-saving and often cheaper than round ones. Hobby craftsmen could also build a table according to their own preferences and have the selected tabletop and table legs cut to size in a DIY store for this purpose.

Source: immonet.de
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