Condominium: This applies to light decorations

If apartment owners would like to decorate their balcony with fairy lights during the Christmas season, they should note that this is common property and take a look at the community rules in advance. On it the consumer protection federation living in the property (WiE) points out.

If the fairy lights only shine intermittently, this is usually considered "normal use" and no resolution of the condominium owners' association is required. The situation is different, however, if holes have to be drilled in the balcony parapet, for example, in order to install them. Here, the other apartment owners must agree in advance.

In addition, in the interest of the general public, the WiE advises avoiding garish and flashing strings of lights. In addition, light-emitting diodes should be used, as they consume less electricity than incandescent or halogen lamps. In addition, outdoor fairy lights must be splash-proof to prevent short circuits. The WiE also publishes guides on the subject of common property and other topics for around 3 to 35 euros.


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