Urban planning: New guide

The German Institute of Urban Affairs (difu) has developed a new guide as part of the "Controllable Urban Material Flows" project funded by the German Federal Environment Agency. This is entitled "Urban planning and urban development as levers for resource and climate protection: Municipal instruments, case studies and potentials for reducing resource use".

Among other things, the guide deals with urban planning and urban development instruments for controlling so-called material flows, i.e. the path of a substance from its extraction as a raw material to its use and disposal. In addition, the guide lists examples of applications for resource-conserving planning in the cities of Hamburg, Hanover, Heidelberg and Jena.

The guide is aimed, among others, at planners, specialized agencies and politicians. It is intended to show them which urban planning and development tools can be used to protect the climate and resources. The guide can be downloaded free of charge from umweltbundesamt.de. Further information on the topic is also available to interested parties at difu.de.

Source: difu.de/umweltbundesamt.de
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