Efficiency house 55: Subsidy expires soon

The German Chamber of Engineers (BIngK) regrets the end of new construction funding for the Efficient House 55 standard and calls for a postponement of the funding freeze. New funding for the Effizienzhaus 55 standard will be discontinued on February 1, 2022. After that, only other building refurbishments and efficiency house levels will be subsidized, such as the "Effizienzhaus 40" level.

According to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the reason for this is that measures in construction and renovation in the areas of "sustainability," "digitalization" and "renewable energies" will be rewarded with higher subsidies in the future. For example, owners who renovate their single-family home and achieve the "Efficiency House 40" level with a renewable energy class can benefit from a grant of up to 75,000 euros, according to KfW.

Among other things, the Federal Chamber of Engineers is critical of the short-term change in federal funding for efficient buildings, which only became known at the beginning of November. "Even though an increase in energy efficiency standards to achieve climate protection goals is urgently needed from the point of view of engineers, such a short-term change has a contractive effect on planning and building," says the BIngK. The application of owners who still wish to benefit from the old subsidy must be received by KfW by January 31, 2022 at the latest.

Sources: BIngK/KfW/haus.de
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