Energy efficiency: renovation roadmap is eligible for funding

The Haus & Grund Rheinland Westfalen association advises owners who want to renovate their house to get expert advice in advance and have an individual renovation roadmap drawn up. Among other things, this can help avoid bad investments. According to the association, special software is used to create the renovation roadmap.

The owners then get an overview of the condition of their house and can identify the energy-saving potential. They are also shown the recommended renovation measures and a cost-benefit analysis is carried out. The association also points out that the costs are eligible for subsidies to a certain extent.

Up to 1,300 euros are subsidized for energy consulting for single- and two-family houses, and up to 1,700 euros for multi-family houses. The prerequisite for federal funding is that the property must be located in Germany and the building application or building notification must date back more than ten years. In addition, a qualified energy consultant must be commissioned, for example via

Source: Haus & Grund RhinelandWestphalia

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