House building: Many do not know about their rights

The Association of Private Building Owners (VPB) criticizes the fact that there are still considerable deficits in the awareness of consumer rights in connection with turnkey construction. In its third study on construction contract law, entitled "The new construction contract law - turnkey construction for consumer builders - study on implementation in the 2020 period," the VPB found that 45 percent of respondents knew nothing about the construction contract law that came into force on January 1, 2018.

Among other things, builders are entitled to timely handover of the construction specification prior to conclusion of the contract and of the planning documents prior to the start of construction. In addition, ten percent of the payment installment remains with the builder and is not due until completion without defects. Only 24 percent of building owners were also aware of the right to hand over documents.

This also means that they often do not receive the documents. According to the VPB, only 23 percent receive the statistics, 26 percent the thermal insulation certificate, 6 percent the ventilation concept and 5 percent the fire protection plan for their home without asking. With the energy document of identification, which is legally prescribed, it looks somewhat better: This gets 75 per cent of the owners without demand handed over. The complete study can be ordered for 10 euros plus shipping costs at

Source: VPB

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