Research: Hamburg's Speicherstadt to become climate-neutral

How can the block development of Hamburg's Speicherstadt be supplied with C02-neutral energy by 2040? HHLA Real Estate is investigating this question together with several project partners. Among other things, they are jointly investigating how the energy required for property operation can be generated, stored and used in the property itself.

The protection of the World Heritage Site poses a particular challenge. In the pilot project, the Speicherstadt is to become a virtually CO2-neutral quarter through the development of a holistic energy concept, innovative hybrid roof elements and thermally activated floor slabs made of lean concrete, among other things.

In addition to HHLA Real Estate, the project involves the Jülich Research Center, the Institute for Materials in Construction at the University of Stuttgart, HafenCity University Hamburg, RWTH Aachen University, the Hamburg Ministry for the Environment and Energy and the Office for the Protection of Historical Monuments of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The so-called "0-CO2-WSHH" project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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