Survey: High prices cause problems for companies

A business survey conducted by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) has revealed that companies fear the consequences of higher electricity and gas prices. Almost half (46 percent) of the 600 companies surveyed fear a loss of competitiveness in Germany as a business location.

In addition, the companies also fear that they will have to postpone investments in core processes (14 percent), climate protection measures (11 percent) and research and innovations (3 percent). 26 percent of the companies surveyed do not see themselves affected by rising electricity and gas prices.

The DIHK also asked the companies about their approaches to solving the problem. The results showed that around two-thirds are thinking about changing their procurement strategy. More than 40 percent are very interested in long-term direct supply contracts for green electricity, so-called green PPAs. According to the DIHK, these not only help them on their way to climate neutrality, but also stabilize the price of electricity.

Source: DIHK
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