Choosing the right bed

What is important when choosing a bed and mattress? This question is answered by the German Furniture Quality Association (DGM). It advises individuals to choose a bed with a mattress width with a minimum dimension of 80 centimeters. Couples should choose a bed width of at least 1.60 meters, since from this width on two mattresses can be used to meet the different requirements.

When selecting the size of the bed, the DGB also advises taking into account whether children or animals are sleeping in the bed. In such cases, more space offers better sleeping comfort for all concerned. Particularly tall people should also make sure to select an oversize bed or mattress - for example, 2.10 or 2.20 meters.

In terms of mattresses, people today can choose between innerspring mattresses, foam and latex mattresses, and box springs, among others. According to the DGM, innerspring mattresses are suitable for people who sweat a lot because of their thermal insulation, latex mattresses for people who freeze, and cold foam mattresses for heavy people. It is important that the slatted frame or box fits well with the mattress, he said. The shoulder and pelvic area must sink in so far that the spinal column forms a straight line.

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