Floods: Tips for the cleanup

The consumer advice center points out how those affected can best behave when cleaning as well as sorting out furnishings after a flood or inundation. Since the water may have caused fecal matter or heating oil to enter the apartment, it advises those affected to protect themselves well.

The apartment should not only be well ventilated during the work, but also use various tools. These include rubber boots and gloves. If mold has already appeared, the consumer advice center also advises wearing an FFP2 mask.

According to the consumer advice center, pieces of furniture with a smooth surface can be wiped down with a damp cloth and cleaned with 70 percent ethyl alcohol. In the case of damp wood with superficial mold growth, it may be worth trying to sand it off. This should be done outdoors and also using an FFP2 mask. Further tips can be found by those affected and those interested on the verbraucherzentrale.de website.

Source: vebraucherzentrale.de
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