Pool construction: How to succeed in planning

What water rates must consider, which would like to build a pool into the garden, the portal "bautipps.it" summarized. So it is advisable first of all to inquire at the building authority of the municipality about appropriate conditions. Because for the building - particularly of large pools - building permits can be necessary. In addition, insurance aspects should also be clarified in advance.

Once this is done, a ground level place for the pool should be chosen in the garden. If you plan it in the south or southwest, the water will stay warm longer in the summer, according to "bautipps.it". At an optimal pool location should also be no trees in the immediate vicinity. The reason for this is that falling leaves can contaminate the water. When choosing the shape, size and material of the pool, the portal says it depends not only on the size of the garden, but also on financial discretion.

However, in addition to the planning and construction, it is also necessary to think about the right pool care. This requires, among other things, chlorine, algae prevention and flocculants that keep the pool water clear. In addition, the pH value must be checked regularly and filter systems must be cleaned regularly. Special covers that can withstand loads of up to 100 kilograms not only ensure that the pool stays clean, but also that it does not become a danger for children. According to "bautipps.it", safe covers can be recognized by the fact that they do not touch the water surface.

building tips.it
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