Purchase decision: Choosing furniture together

Anyone looking for a new sofa, a new wardrobe or a new table should, if possible, take family members or friends with them when shopping in a furniture store. This is the advice of the German Furniture Quality Association (DGM) from Fürth. "Almost everyone [...] has loyal advisors who give him security, who are honest and accompany everyday life. They help to make a good buying decision," says DGM Managing Director Jochen Winning.

Shopping together is not only more fun, but the furniture can also be examined more closely together. The DGM advises testing the furniture accordingly. With the sofa the seat and couch comfort can be examined in such a way, with cabinets doors and drawers should be opened several times and with tables should be examined whether these wobble.

However, according to the DGM, customers can check the value of furniture not only in person, but also on the basis of quality seals such as the "Golden M". According to the DGM, this RAL quality mark is based on strict quality and testing regulations and is regarded as the most stringent proof of furniture quality in Europe - for furniture for the living room, bathroom or kitchen as well as for office, garden or children's room furniture.

Source and further information: dgm-moebel.de
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