Construction: BSB in favor of "social graduation" model for real estate transfer tax

The Bauherren-Schutzbund (BSB) criticizes that consumers for the building of houses must indebt themselves enormously and soon only rich ones can afford this. Already now some consumers would have shifted their project on indefinite time or would not like to convert it at all. Therefore the BSB welcomes the land purchase tax reform announced by Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner. By this reform certain groups of buyers would have to pay künfzig if necessary no more tax.

"The BSB welcomes the finance minister's reform proposal to provide relief for owner-occupiers when purchasing their first property," says BSB Managing Director Florian Becker. With the law initiative however haste is necessary, because the trend with building permission numbers is strongly declining. "If it is not counteracted quickly and decisively, the decades-long upward promise of a home of one's own can no longer be kept," says Florian Becker.

The BSB has also presented a proposal as to what the real estate transfer tax reform must look like in order to provide relief for house builders with middle incomes: the so-called "social graduation" model. In this model, the real estate transfer tax would depend on the purchase price. No taxes would be due on the first 200,000 euros, 3 percent taxes would be levied on the second 200,000, and 6 percent taxes on the third 200,000 euros. After that, 8 percent taxes would apply.

Source and further information:
© wavepoint

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