Solid wood furniture: the right care

  • 2 years ago

Solid wood furniture needs the right care to keep it looking beautiful for a long time. This is pointed out by the Initiative Pro Massivholz. Depending on the furniture, either oil, varnish or wax can be used as surface protection. If owners are not sure which surface protection is the right one, they should ask the manufacturer. Because, according to the Initiative Pro Massivholz, "incorrect care is ineffective or, in the worst case, can even cause harm."

However, before it comes to care, the solid wood furniture must first be cleaned. A damp cotton cloth is suitable for this purpose. A cotton cloth can then also be used when the solid wood furniture is oiled. When doing this, owners should be careful not to use too much oil so that there are no sticky spots later that the wood cannot absorb. By applying the oil, the furniture not only remains breathable, but also the color comes back into play.

If solid wood furniture needs to be maintained with wax, owners should pay attention to the linseed oil content in it. "The lower the linseed oil content in this treatment method, the harder the wax applied will be and the more durably the wood surface will be protected," explains the Initiative Pro Massivholz. For easy-care furniture that uses varnishes, one of the things you can look for is that these do not contain solvents.

Source: Pro Massivholz
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